Jim burnes wrote:

>How would you know if it was sent by him unless it had a digital signature
>that you are willing to testify in court was know to belong to him and
>had not been comprimised?

Right. Nor could I know that "Jim Bell" who's was posting to cpunks
is Jim Bell or a Jim Bell being run by London/Gordon et cie.

Remember that a parallel grand jury investigation was announced 
during CJ's trial to spook those who might consider tampering with 
blind justice. Then nothing more was heard of that Robb shot, as 
far as I know.

The purpose of the alleged grand jury of my subpoena is a 
mystery, but it's surely ham sandwich bait of some kind. An
invitation to perjure or self-incriminate.

Jim Bell is, and has been, fed bait since he was released.
Whether he was that before his first bust, that's a reasonable
question. Bell's shit certainly bred to CJ's shafting.

WWA pack believe they've got a winning campaign to keep 
on trucking, using secret agents of persuasion.

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