Well, yes, I owe the cypherpunks founders an apology,
so apology sent.

Our rump session after Steve's talk last night, to which
he didn't come, put me face to face with 20 nyms and
let me tell you online has its virtues -- the main one
being never having to have people stare at your
TLA forehead mark and you at theirs.

Everybody in the room said they're working on a
book, really, but what they needed was a writer to
burnish the jewels. There was a writer there but
incognito, knowing what happens in NYC at 
any gathering when pols, doctors, lawyers and thieves
lock onto someone who has authentic literary skills.

Even a total stranger at the bar up front had a story which
he said makes the stuff in CRYPTO mere child's play.
NSA-trained he claimed to be and a long time battler of
corporate evildoing. Great piles of files to prove it, only
a ghost writer needed.

Now our secret meeting place was in a unisex dormitory 
building, and this gent was surely trolling with TLA crypto 
comsec pickup rap. 

It's as though the whole place was channeling Sandy's 
natsec-cryptoporn. Confirmed by an attendee who said
the Net is dead except for exchanging porn, as  in the
beginning, as it will ever be. I asked for a copy of his
essay, and he said, do you write.

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