On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 03:48:53PM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> Colin Powell recently got paid $200,000 for a 30-minute off-the-cuff 
> speech on some "why foreigh policy matters" b.s. topic. Of course, it 
> was underwritten by a Lebanese "businessman" said in news reports to 
> have close ties to Syrian intelligence, so do the math. A legal way 
> to buy influence in our strange society. If Colin Powell can give N 
> of these b.s. speeches a year, my thoughts are surely worth $10K for 
> a day or two's worth of writing. Of course, this won't happen.

Ah, your output for two days is not worth $10K, at least based on a
publisher's estimation of market value. Sadly, politics may not be as
rewarding as investing. *


* Unless you're Colin Powell

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