> That is /very/ clever indeed.

Why thank you.

> Or just make them believe you gave up something "personally
> embarrassing" but not actionable under duress.  Got to give them a win
> to report.
> :o)

Yeah, I was always partial to having something personally embarrassing as
a first level involving weird porn, and then a richly eloquent "fuck you"
letter to whoever is reading it chastising, basically saying "if you made
it this far, you must be a sick pervert looking for more porn", as a
second level.

That might be fun for certain circumstances.

But for covert agents, criminals, terrorists, shit like that.. if you're
being interrogated, they probably have good evidence to hold you beyond
wanting to look at your plaintext. That's the case where one needs the
strategy angle.

Not that I personally need to concern myself with such things.. but I find
mathematics and game theory fascinating, so.. it passes the time and keeps
me from drinking or watching TV. That's a plus.

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