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On 09/26/2016 08:23 PM, Razer wrote:
> On 09/26/2016 02:04 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
>> The "USA Number One!" mentality of comfortable Middle Class
>> Amerikans makes sense of a kind: Their continued material
>> prosperity relative to the former Working Class /does/ depend on
>> global terrorism, enforced poverty, mass murder, cities reduced
>> to rubble and refugee columns, etc. as the U.S. war of global
>> economic conquest continues.  They deserve to see the same things
>> happen to their own children and families, and if they continue
>> to get their own way they WILL see that - unless they happen to
>> be closer to ground zero "on the day." Unfortunately, this
>> cheerful little scenario involves dragging those /not/
>> responsible for all that human misery and heaped, dead burnt 
>> bodies down into the same hell.
> I'm going to use that quote. Want attribution or should I 'blame
> it' on some anonymous Ward Churchill doppelganger?

Do What Thou Wilt - I have no preference.  In the world of propaganda,
duplication and distribution is the sincerest form of flattery.
Here's a variation on the same theme.  I think the upcoming
Presidential election must be what's pissing me off; every time one of
"Those People" sitting left of center in the extremist fringe Right
Wing crosses my radar lately I go off:

Our Liberals and Progressives are, for the most part, well informed
and educated people. Education is a synonym for Indoctrination -
everybody from used car salesmen to Fortune 500 Public Relations
corporations says their real job is to educate the public.

Every one of our "educated" Liberals and Progressives is very well
aware that their own family's hopes and dreams of a comfortable
lifestyle now and in the future depend on keeping everything running
along just as it is: Complete with the systematic looting of whole
communities and economies, installation of militarized police and
slave labor prisons to control the growing mass of poor people, and
mass murder of other people's families where and as necessary to
achieve economic objectives in the National Interest. They have
deliberately embraced a convenient, delusional world view where all
they can do about Things They Know Are Wrong is blame some hated
Other, complain politely, express their heartfelt sympathy for the
victims and pronounce with grave wisdom: "Some problems won't be
solved in our lifetimes."

They are the problem, and if we don't solve them, Nature will - and
take us down with them.

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