On 10/19/2016 03:13 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 4:15 PM, juan <juan....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Wonder if teh internet sees Trump as the candidate for
>>> freedom on the internet...
>>         Why? Exposing the left-wing fascists shouldn't entail any kind
>>         of support for other fascists.
> All other things equal, yes. But why? Who knows, one of
> many possible observations that could be made...
> Trump is now directly quoting and praising wikileaks and
> through that elevating the surrounding parts of the internet /
> actors / voices / tech that are making wikileaks happen and possible.
> So it's a happy deal between them. At least until the tide of
> the intertubes turns its focus elsewhere. But still, for right now,
> a deal that will last and profit so long as they remain friends.
> (Whether or not the internet should take friends is another subject.)
> Meanwhile Hillary et al seem to be doing all they can, including
> breaking law and ethic, just to stop the flow of sunshine, of information...
> ie: to stop teh internets, like Arab Spring in reverse.
> The internet doesn't like that, at all, *do not like!*

And it's not just Wikileaks supporters, cypherpunks, etc. If you follow
HN, you see that it's also libertarian Internet entrepreneurs. And not
just the anarcho-capitalist fringe. It reminds me of the crypto war that
helped destroy Al Gore.

> And tor project is busy kissing the left as usual.


> The internet doesn't seem to have much activity or interest in
> doxing Trump, probably because he's mostly a brick and mortar
> sort of business, not really a politician with any deep geopolitical
> conspiracies to crack.

I suspect deep connections to the Russian mafia, via his activity on the
Jersey Shore. He and Putin are both old school kleptocrats.

> Which leaves whatever media big scoop of grabbing pussy as
> just a meme and moment of comic relief for them as it is,
> before they get back to real business doxing the left.


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