On 11/17/2016 09:17 AM, jim bell wrote:
>  From: Mirimir <miri...@riseup.net>
> On 11/16/2016 08:11 PM, grarpamp wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 11:25 PM, Razer <ray...@riseup.net> wrote:
>>>> If police
>>>> vanished off the street this second what do you think might happen,
>>>> realistically?
>>> There'd be a whole lotta thugs rising up, and becoming dead thugs
>>> just as fast. More efficient than today's model of dethugging?
>>> Who knows. Don't be a thug.
>> Consider the Philippines. Young mothers becoming assassins ;)
> Yes, that is a very interesting current example of such a thing.  
> My question is, are the right people being killed?Is it anybody 
> associated with drugs that is dying, or is it just such people 
> who are merely unpopular with the police?
> Consider this logic:  If a person is a bigtime drug dealer, 
> just about the most 'threatening' thing to him is that the 
> drugs he sells would be declared legal.


Well, I do get the sense that it's been mostly low-level people, working
in the streets, who have been killed.[0] But Duterte's list apparently
includes "government, military and police officials".[1] And the article
doesn't even suggest the possibility that they're just his political
opponents. And a Mirror article does claim that innocent people are
being killed.[2] So it's probably not a good model approach.




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