Naked Capitalism, one of the better known alt-econ sites is on the list,
and so is Black Agenda Report. One of the best researched most reliable
sources of alt-news for Black folk.

Here's an article by a staff member of the ACLU explaining exactly why
you can't seem to convict cops for killing unarmed civilians. :


> "The law that authorizes federal criminal civil rights charges against
> police officers says that in a homicide case like Eric Garner’s or
> Milton Hall’s, a police officer can be guilty only if he not only
> violated the victim’s Fourth Amendment right to be free from excessive
> force, but the officer also “willfully” violated that right. In its
> explanation of why Milton Hall’s killers were not prosecuted, the
> Justice Department said: “Law enforcement actions based on fear,
> panic, misperception or even poor judgment do not constitute willful
> conduct prosecutable under the statute." — Mark P. Fancher: Justice
> for Eric Garner? From the Justice Department? Don’t Hold Your Breath,

The one thing all these sites seem to have in common is ol' Joe McCarthy
would consider them 'communist propaganda' outlets... ESPECIALLY the ACLU!

The fact that the Washington Post is withholding the source of the list
speaks volumes about it's veracity. Personally, after viewing their
reporting on the passing of Fidel Castro yesterday I'd say the WaPo is
ABSOLUTELY a fake news outlet. But then, the WaPO's owner Jeff Bezos, is
one of the CIA's BFFs and the CIA (The following is less impressive when
you realise that the CIA is actually pretty incompetent) tried to kill
Castro 638 times, and failed, because they were hiring a "C" team of
clowns like GG Liddy etc who hired a "D" team equivalent to the gusano
version of Libyan goatfuckers, to do their dirt.


On 11/27/2016 01:58 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> As the MSM continues its meltdown and declares definitively the official
> list(s) of official "fake news" outlets / websites:
> (Yes, even the 6 month old The Duran makes the list :)
> This historic opportunity could not be greater!
> Whether you're Alt-Left, Alt-Right or merely Alt-Misunderstood, the
> opportunity to be banned from Twitter and Facebook is some of the
> greatest publicity available today - and consequently, some of the best
> alt-p2p-comms software propaganda we are likely to see for a very long
> time.
>    1. Get out there with your army of followers, chuck a Milo and ask a
>       question so contentious it gets you banned from one of the
>       existing proprietary platforms.
>    2. Promptly advise your legions of the the alternative you now use.
>    3. Profit.
> Or something like that. More like, the community profits and comms
> platform diversity steadily penetrates the mass consciousness.
> Right now would also be a fantastic opportunity for a P2P distributed
> YouTube video saver, and bittorrent like uploader, for those occasions
> where your public message is targetted with "main stream" censorship.
> Now is the moment to ride a wave, good luck :)

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