Hi, Igor.  Welcome back to the CypherPunk List!  :D

I am Ceci, a crazy noob from Brazil.  Nice to meet you!  :)

Please, choose your favorite cryptography, security, privacy, coding, A.I.,
Math, etc, etc, subjects and share interesting informations, good and bad
news, your personal ideas, curious bibliography...  No limits, my dear, but
I sincerely suggest you lots of patience and some sense of humour.

The list has no moderation.  You have free will to express your convictions
and need to have good sense enough to self-moderate yourself.  Or not, your
option only.  ;)

Like my loved Mirimir mentioned before, there are some stupid trolls and a
lot of garbage, but we can make this list better, bringing interesting
considerations about relevant themes.  Believe me, in the middle of all the
junk and the trash, there are great people hidden here, some provocative
discussions and singular delightful messages.

Please, feel free and comfortable to talk about everything!  Good luck and
be happy!  :D

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
say it."

On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 12:58 AM, Igor Chudov <i...@chudov.com> wrote:

> Hi, I am Igor Chudov, a great while ago I was involved in running this
> mailing list via my proposal of a distributed list. Then junk messages
> became too time consuming and I got busy.
> I decided to subscribe to take a peek recently, and wanted to ask if
> this mailing list has bona fide discussions of cryptography, its role
> in the modern economy, finance and politics, etc.
> Thanks

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