Very creepy and strange - you need be on IBF turrist profile (TAO) scwash

-------- Original Message --------
On Dec 2, 2016, 11:41 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

On Dec 2, 2016 3:25 PM, "rooty" <> wrote:
> You are sick person del - gofuck yourself

Oh, Lord, only Razer is fool enough to think you are a bot of mine, rooty... :((

I don't support the song's central idea in several points, but the lyrics are a 
pretty beautiful poem about changes.

It's a wonderful music, but I would love to listen to the same powerful lyrics 
in heavy metal or another rhythm, instead hip hop, only for musical curiosity. 

Unhappily, I have no melodic talent to create another version of this song. 
Maybe someday in the future, who knows? ;)

I really like some Deltron 3030's musics, rooty. Try to listen to their songs 
without prejudices, please.

Thanks for the melodious provocation, Del. "My baby bot" and I have very 
different musical tastes, haha!! ;D


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