On Sun, 8 Jan 2017 19:04:32 -0800
Razer <g...@riseup.net> wrote:

> This entirely lost me. Convo over.

        What convo. This was just me wasting time with an absolute
        shitbag like you. 

> >
> >> If there are they didn't all show up last week you know? The guy I
> >> share camp space with is from El Salvador and has been in the US
> >> for more than forty fucking years.
> >     And he's the youngest illegal immigrant there is. The
> > majority of them entered the US in the 19th century and they are
> > still mowing your lawn. Capitalism keeps them alive.
> >
> >
> That paragraph made no sense whatsoever 

        for fucking retards who don't realize that they are being
        thoroughly mocked and  laughed at.

        Hey, you should try to polish your english. Here's a new word
        for you : 


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