On Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 10:27:30PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 06:17:12PM +0900, Lodewijk andré de la porte wrote:
> > We can have a shared (UN?) court
> Because fewer (but corruptible) institutions is better, right?
> > for determining things like permissible pollution and settling
> > lawsuits that are carried all the way up. For settling disputes
> > between nations, and their adherence to global law.
> Sorry, all your one world / new world order shit can go to hell.
> Not going to happen. Not going to fly here. Not going to be consented
> to by China nor Russia nor Australia.
> Simply, there's no point arguing for it any more since at the very
> least BRICS has stamped an unstoppable foot on the world stage - we
> are all going to get a multi-polar world, whether you Americans like
> it or not.
> I might be powerful, but even -my- words cannot stop BRICS now.

Russian victory lap for the multi polar world:

A Brave, New Multipolar World: Lavrov Declares End of US Regime Change

No significant insight yet from Zbig except "America should partner with
China" which certainly seems rather 'yesterday' - perhaps the
globalluminoligarchy has moved a bunch of their assets to the PROC?

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