
You're looking for a quick and easy way to discover all persons' political
and ideological compatibility based on all public and private
communications - of course, facilitated by some membership-based secret
escrow scheme (backdoor.)

In fact, a lot of different groups have this same problem - how do you
discover which populations belong to which ideological groupings; why not
employ some handy algorithms to make a judgement for you?

Quite the idea, the good people at Palantir might be able to help you out.


On Sat, Jun 3, 2017 at 2:03 AM, James A. Donald <> wrote:

> I have asked this question, how to do a secret handshake that reveals
> common membership of the group without giving away your membership to non
> members, several times before, and not been happy with the answers, so I
> guess I am asking it badly.
> I will try to be clearer about the problem I am trying to solve.
> These days, people no longer communicate on Usenet and email lists. Rather
> they use something for which we have not formed a word. I will call it a
> social blogging platform, unless someone has a better word.
> Twitter, Facebook, and to a lesser extent WordPress, and such are all
> examples of this.
> In a blogging platform, you post and people comment on your post.
> WordPress is the classic example
> Plus, it is a communication medium, you can chat privately to people and
> groups, like viber.
> Viber and skype are messenger with very little blogging, WordPress is
> blogging with very little messenger, Facebook is the two integrated. Viber
> is currently the best messaging system, WordPress the best blogging,
> Facebook the best integrated messaging and blogging system, but the world
> is moving to tighter integration.  Every messaging platform is adding some
> blog like features, every blogging system is adding some messaging type
> features.
> Facebook consists largely of chicks posting "look at me, I am hot", boys
> commenting, "yes, you are hot", and then they go into Facebook messenger,
> communicate privately, and make an assignation to have sex. It was designed
> from the beginning for the purpose, hence the excellent integration between
> the posting and commenting, which is analogous to WordPress, and the
> private messaging, which is analogous to skype. Facebook is pretty much
> Skype+WordPress, and all the others are competing for the same market
> niche, though Facebook totally dominates the sexual assignation and booty
> call niche by far.
> Specialist systems, for example the Cupid system for international dating
> have the same basic architecture - posts plus tightly integrated private
> messaging.
> The trouble is that the major systems, especially twitter, are heavily
> politicized and censored, and so people are forming alt-tech, such as Gab,
> to escape from politics and censorship.
> If you want to read a science paper about the nut gathering activities of
> the gray squirrel, or an adventure comic about the Mighty Thor, or a
> science fiction story about flash Gordon traveling to the far stars, you
> instead get politics.
> You think you are reading about the nut gathering activities of the gray
> squirrel, and it turns into the effect of global warming on the gray
> squirrel, which effect we are told is extremely bad, though no concrete
> evidence of this is provided, the evils of global warming upon the squirrel
> being asserted but not actually shown.
> But it is not actually about the effect of global warming on the gray
> squirrel, rather it is about global warming itself. We are told that global
> warming is even worse than we thought, though how bad we used to think it
> was is never precisely specified, and how bad now we think it is not
> specified either, and the evidence that we should now think it even worse
> is alluded to rather than given.
> But it is not actually about global warming itself, rather it is that the
> industrial civilization that white people created is destroying the earth.
> But it is not actually about the destruction of the earth by white
> civilization, rather it is that heterosexual white males are horribly bad,
> and extremely harmful to all other kinds of creatures.
> Similarly, when one read the adventures of Thor, one encounters female
> Thor.  But it is not actually about female Thor, it is that gender binary
> is false and evil.  But it is not actually about gender binary, it is that
> ... heterosexual white males are horribly bad, and extremely harmful to all
> other kinds of creatures.
> And similarly, when Flash Gordon travels to the far stars, it turns out
> that an evil corporation run by white heterosexual patriarchal males is
> oppressing blue skinned tree living aliens to steal their natural resources
> ... bad, and extremely harmful to all other kinds of creatures.
> This endless insulting, ignorant, stupid, and offensive hectoring happens
> all the time, everywhere, on every topic, in every medium, on every
> platform, from Facebook to Twitter, from Scientific American to Marvel
> comics, from romance novels to first person shooter games, and if you
> complain, you are racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, and a denier
> and you get banned.  Observe for example that the only people allowed to be
> good fathers on television or the comics are blacks, and even black males
> are still required to have broken families.  Evidently the depiction of a
> good father ruling over a happy family is homophobic, bastardphobic,
> sexist, racist, whatever.
> Recall that the movie "Man in a high castle" used a happy intact family on
> its poster as a symbol of Nazism.
> v/the-man-in-the-high-castle-i1740299/p/iyn0japz
> We are so accustomed to being lectured, shouted at, and spat upon that the
> shouting is felt to be normal and non political, and any easing up of the
> shouting and the spitting, as for example a science fiction writer who
> gives us a science fiction story rather than a lecture, is deemed to be
> extreme right wing politics.  If you hoist an umbrella against the spit,
> you are a Nazi and you are planning to murder the Jews.  And you probably
> really are a Nazi and probably really are planning to murder the Jews,
> because only really hard cases like actual Nazis planning to murder actual
> Jews are willing to defy public opinion by hoisting an umbrella against
> being spat upon.
> To deal with this problem, people are developing alt tech, for example
>, which is Twitter without mandatory left wing propaganda all the
> time on every topic.  Similarly 8chan is a reaction to the endless tedious
> left wing agitation and fierce censorship of 4chan
> The most interesting conversations are happening on secretive invitation
> only sites, because it is only safe to say true things on a secretive
> invitation only site.
> So, what I am thinking of is a way to integrate secretive invitation only
> sites in a messaging network of public sites.
> It would be nice if when you clicked on a commenters id, you got a link to
> his posts, and to his comments on other people's posts - but if some of
> these posts and comments were on invitation only sites, you would only see
> those comments and posts if you were able to browse those sites, if you
> could have seen those comments and posts without necessarily following the
> link, and, more importantly, only be able to detect the existence of such
> comments and posts if you were able to browse those sites.  Even if you
> were using special software, not the regular client but a hostile client,
> you should not be able to detect that the commenter posts to secretive
> websites, or that such websites exist.

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