On 07/01/2017 03:17 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
> Last time I checked, this bug was dismissed by Debian as a non-issue,
> saying that exploiting it would require physical access to the machine
> and "physical access is game over."  That's an excuse to leave the bug
> in place, not a reason.  I am sure present company can provide several
> examples of cases where the presence of gnupg-agent in its present
> broken condition "is game over" for the user.

Are you sure you didn't accidentally save your passphrase to your GNOME
password manager (seahorse)? I thought I had the same problem where
passphrases were being cached far longer than they should be, until I
found this "helpful" remembering of my passphrase (which I have since

I'm going to do some further testing; I have explicitly added the
supposed default TTL values to gpg-agent.conf and I will see if I still
have issues.

Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>

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