On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 8:08 PM, juan <juan....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >         official story is that 'some' of the keys from early blocks
>> > are 'lost' but who knows if that's true...

Depends on who the "official" is and what proof they have.

>>Shoot, what about Mt Gox, the value of those coins must be BILLIONS
>         Ah yes. Something like 600,000 - 800,000  coins stolen. I
>         wonder what the 'authorities' did about the robbery considering
>         the public nature of bitcoin transactions and the mass
>         surveillance programs they run...

At least one coin, zencash, is finally working toward full
support of both TLS and Tor (not sure about I2P, CJDNS, etc).
They probably don't yet strictly overlay network bootstrap right,
or use tofu --> subsequent fingerprint reporting / pinning though.
Try it.

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