> This far, physics describes a Universe where the balance of Order and
> Chaos is ideal for creating life.  Almost as if somebody set that up on
> purpose.  To put a stop to that kind of "superstitious" speculation,
> some physicists propose that a vast, unlimited number of distinct
> universes must exist, each with its own physical laws, where only a few
> have conditions supporting the development of life.  But if so, there
> must be a larger cosmic context in which all these universes happen, and
> the same speculation arises - how did this massively parallel trial and
> error process get started?  Which jumps us up to yet another "higher"
> context, etc. ad infinitum.
> Verily, 'tis a mindfucker.

still, it's an interesting question (and apropos to Isaaks? quote from
John von Neumann):  is the universe deterministic?  Because IF it is
NOT, then physics takes on a level of meaninglessness, right?  But, if
it is, it is equivalent to using a pseudo-random generator.


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