Right, as long as you either exported your Bitcoin to your own wallet or
your Bitcoin was deposited in an exchange that assured its customers that
they would not claim the BCC themselves but hold it for users, then you are
fine. If, OTOH, your Bitcoin was deposited in an exchange that alerted its
users to withdraw their Bitcoin to their own wallets of they wanted it, and
you did not withdraw in before the fork then you are probably SoL.

On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 9:49 AM, Mirimir <miri...@riseup.net> wrote:

> On 08/18/2017 03:29 AM, Steven Schear wrote:
> <SNIP>
> > Due to the economic and technical nature of Bitcoin and its blockchain
> its
> > more than possible that the new fork, widely being called Bitcoin Cash,
> > or BCC, will overtake its rival fork now commonly called Bitcoin Core.
> The
> > effect of this "flippening" could be nothing short of disastrous for
> those
> > holding Bitcoin Core.
> >
> > Since the recent Bitcoin hard fork we now have two Bitcoins: Core (the
> > original) and Cash. When the fork happened those holding BTC (in their
> own
> > wallets) were also able to claim an equal amount of BCC (for free).
> There's no need to claim BCH. It's there, and will be there until spent.
> Me, I won't until the price goes up. It's "flippening" insurance.
> <SNIP>

Creator of the Warrant Canary and the Street Performer Protocol. Wi-Fi
standard spec. creation participant and co-developer of eCache. Director at
MojoNation and Cylink. Founding member of IFCA and GNU Radio.

Shameless self-promoter :)

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