On 09/22/2017 12:10 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> https://www.social-engineer.org/
> neuro linquistic programming
> pua

Something I posted on my inactive Blogspot blog in the wake of Citizens
United January 2010:

> It's NOT JUST The Money It's What They Do With It: Neuropsychology And
> Corporate Electioneering
> Every one is acting sooooo surprised.
> Lets get something straight...
> The courts ruled corporations have 'personhood' hundreds of years ago
> in England and they STILL rule that way in the United States.
> Therefore, as-is, corporations have the right to 'freedom of expression'
> How you spend money IS a form of that.
> Any questions?
> Look... That's just the publicly visible tip of the monetary-electoral
> iceberg anyway... The fact that corporations use their money to
> influence elections.
> Lets talk about HOW they'll spend the money to do that now that
> corporations can more freely 'contribute' to candidates and electoral
> campaigns.
> Hint... It won't be spent on Get-Out-The-Vote phone banks for the
> candidates.
> It will be invested in advertising.
> CAREFULLY crafted political neuro-psychological advertising.
> Designed with your mind in mind.
> Think of it however you like... in awe or abject terror.
> A nation of sheep being led to the socio-cultural slaughter willingly.
> The next time someone asks you why you believe something
> political, or why you think Coke is better than Pepsi... consider:
> The Real Deal... Neuro-Advertising:


Media linked includes:

Article: Advertisers and Politicians Hunt for the "Buy-Button" in Your Brain

Video short: Spellcasters and the creepy world of neuromarketing

Feature length trip '20 Minutes into the Future' (Pilot for Max
Headroom... 'blipverts')

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