On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 09:38:33AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> The land of the free continues to descend:
> http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/breaking-zuckerberg-seems-be-announcing-harsh-anti-russian-censorship-measures/ri21003

So apparently someone's just changed their name to:

  Mark "I Wanna Be, Like Crooked Hilla-ree" Zuckerberg

Any ideas who that might be?

Well at least if there's a social media opportunity, Trump never
seems shy to grab it with both hands and wring its pathetic neck,
and this one's no exception:

** Trump to Zuck: You're Just Part of the Fake News Russiagate 'Hoax'
One of the more perverse aspects of Zuckerberg's creepy appearance
last night in a livestream, where many commented on how nervous he
seemed, was his referral to 'Russian meddling in our democracy', as
if it was an accepted fact. It is not, and that is part of the scam.
The president of the United States correctly understands this, and
said so when he rolled out of bed this morning. Here is an excellent
explanation of the scam, and Zuckerberg's all-around weirdness from
RI this morning.

** Possible Alien Reptile Mark Zuckerberg Vows Fight Against
   Pro-Russia Thought Crime
by Zeropointnow on Fri, Sep 22, 2017
Prospective presidential candidate and possible alien Mark Zuckerberg
announced that Facebook will be handing over the contents of 3,000
ads purchased by ‘inauthentic accounts’ from the social media giant
prior to the 2016 election, which Facebook attributed to a Russian
‘troll farm’ with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda.

Unlike FaceSlut, at least the WaPo's an honest media outlet:

** Top Comedian Expertly Explains - The Washington Post Is a National
by Charles Bausman on Fri, Sep 22, 2017
Prominent Youtuber and comedian Jimmy Dore does an excellent job here
explaining that the evil Washington Post is just a pathetic shill for
the CIA and Neocons and their transparent BS. His videos routinely
get over half a million views. And it looks like America agrees with
him. This rant has 4000 upvotes, and 102 downvotes. (Rough transcript
below) We're winning folks. Keep watching and supporting independent
media like us, and the bad guys don't stand a chance.

And to top it all off, the neocon warmongering propagand just
continues to succeed, influence, and shape American's thoughts:

** Tucker Carlson Explores the Russia-Hating Heart of Hollywood
Royalty (Rob Reiner)
by Charles Bausman on Fri, Sep 22, 2017
Rob Reiner is Hollywood royalty. His dad is the 95 year old Carl
Reiner, a Hollywood kingmaker, comedian, mega-producer, and all
around heavy-hitter. Rob has created some of the funnier moment in
American cinema - for years he played the Lefty son-in-law 'Meathead'
opposite his conservative, bigoted father-in-law, Archie Bunker in
'All in the Family', and he wrote, directed, and acted in 'This is
Spinal Tap' one of the funniest movies ever made. And now he's
pushing a national ad he made, along with a bunch of B-team neocons,
(and James Clapper), that is inciting war with Russia. Yesterday I
wrote about how it is already backfiring - bigly.

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