On Fri, 27 Oct 2017 20:55:00 +0000
Volunteer <getalookatmyf@cock.email> wrote:

> > juan juan.g71 at gmail.com
> > Fri Oct 27 13:15:13 PDT 2017
> >
> > equivocal
> > ambiguous fallacy caused by double meaning of a word
> >
> You retard.
> I connected the etymology of 'state' and 'State'.
> Then connected Jim's AP to a 'State' (Government).
> Jim is a Statist.
> What don't you get ?

        a government or 'the state' is a group of criminals claiming
        'sovereignity' over a geographical area and the people in it.
        "The state" is by definition a group thieves and murderers who
        violate personal rights. 

        "assasination politics' as far as I'm concerned simply means
        killing government employees in self-defense. How is such a
        form of legitimate self-defense a state/government? 

        If a cop attacks me and I can kill it, I will. Excercising my
        right to self-defense does not make me an statist. Same right
        to self defense belongs to anybody else who is not a member of
        the state. 



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