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>Who catches the IMSI catchers? Researchers demonstrate Stingray
detection kit
Posted Jun 2, 2017 by Devin Coldewey

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Who catches the IMSI catchers? Researchers demonstrate Stingray
detection kit

>IMSI catchers, devices used to spoof cell towers and interceptcommunications, 
>are one of the most resented open secrets of law
enforcement. Strict non-disclosure agreements prevent them from being
acknowledged as existing, let alone being used — but researchers think
they’ve found a way to spot the shady signal-snatchers.

A few years ago, maybe 2012 or 2013, I read an article which indicated that any 
cell phone, even one that had to active service, would be activated in the 
presence of an IMSI device.  I speculated, on Cypherpunks, that it would be 
easily to build an IMSI detector using a power source feeding such an inactive 
phone, with a current detector in place.  Ordinarily, that phone would 
dissipate a small current, which would be increased if an IMSI activated it.
The article describes a substantially more sophisticated implementation, much 
like a website such as WIGLE.NET       maps WiFi sites.  
It presumably records the signal strength of the cell site that activates the 
target phone, and eventually draws a map of its computed location.
           Jim Bell

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