On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 9:22 PM, Michael Nelson <nelson_mi...@yahoo.com>

> The mapping between Bitcoin and energy is missing the point, from the
> point of view of understanding the system. The correct mapping is between
> Bitcoin and the *price* of energy.
> If electricity were 10 times as expensive, Bitcoin mining use of electric
> power would drop by a factor of 10 (for a given BTC price). The point of
> spending money on mining is to be competitive. The absolute amount of power
> is irrelevant.
> This means that if governments raised the price of electricity, or
> resources used for generating it, then BTC would never be a problem. Not
> trivial to do, admittedly, but the point here is to understand the system.

it has nothing to do with the price of energy. the price of energy is never
mentioned in the analyses that worry about Bitcoin's energy use, and for
good reason.

the problem with Bitcoin is that it uses an enormous QUANTITY of energy to
verify each new transaction. That amount has nothing to do with the price
of energy. It is a quantity of energy, measured in kilowatt hours or
whatever quantity you want (they currently use "TeraWatt hours," because it
uses that much). It takes a certain amount of coal or oil or solar power to
generate those kilowatt hours, and the number is rising steeply:


There is no mention of price in the equations that produce this analysis,
nor should there be.

IF coal and oil did not pollute and we had infinite free energy, this would
not be a problem. But they do, and we don't, and it is, and it's getting

- z

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