On 12/18/2017 12:24 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
  Someone rewrote the Torah to declare that the Holy Land extends from
  the River of Egypt (i.e., the Nile) to the River Euphrates. This is
  false! Nabī Ibrahīm (‘alaihi al-Salām) had to migrate from Babylon
  and travel a long distance in order to reach the Holy Land.

Old Testament unambiguously gives most of the middle east, rather vaguely defined, to the Jews.

Arabs don't seem to be doing a very good job of governing themselves, but on the other hand, Jewish governance of Arabs has been piss poor also.

To fulfill biblical prophecies, would need to deliver a better quality of governance.

Which an Ashkenazi Israel could do, if it had the right motivations and incentives. Unfortunately, the official state religion of Israel is not Judaism, but progressivism, whose incentives we saw on display in Haiti, where a bunch of people from Harvard stole all the aid and left pregnant women eating dirt contaminated with human feces, resulting in cholera epidemic.

Also, looks like Israel will finish the job that Hitler started, and eradicate the Ashkenazi, in which case there is no likelihood that the prophecies will be fullfilled.

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