"Shawn K. Quinn" wrote:
On 01/03/2018 01:35 PM, g2s wrote:
> AnarchoCap/So-called "libertarian" infestation. They attract fascists
> and nazis because they share an underlying ideology, despite their
> bleatings to the contrary.

...and those of us who actually stand up for decency and order get labeled as 
the nazis and fascists. Can you say "projection?"

Shawn K. Quinn 

Decency and order in Capitalist societies are relative and oppress someone 
somewhere. That's a defining trait. Someone's on top. Someone's on the bottom 
getting screwed. There is no option to that in capitalist economics. The people 
on top who control the repression apparatus are fascist, and the people who 
otherwise prosper are, to use a well worn phrase, Good Germans.
I had a similar convo on twitter the other day. Here's what I wrote:
"There is no such thing as anarchocapitalism or for that matter 
capitalism-based socialism. The former is libertarianism... narcissistic 
capitalism, the latter Fascism, or if you would, National Socialism."
Currently I'm in TwitterJail for responding to this ViceCanada article...
...about the "Skate Girls of Kabul" with:
"Too bad they dont have clean running water. Fuck YOU for glossing over the 
#Genocide America caused in #Afghanistan... #Scumbags. Ps We're sending 
thousands of troops to Afghanistan in '18 to make SURE Iraqis stay addicted en 
masse to Heroin."
Capitalism. Someone gets screwed and the Good Germans are happy believing in 
myths and lies.
Rr, cutting the crap, with a machete

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