On February 24, 2018 1:34:18 AM EST, grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thiel prefers more noble causes like preventing slander
>> against Hulk Hogan with massive lawsuits that put
>> people out of business. Classy!
>Suit seems rather freedom thing to do, or try.
>Though not under court of the state,
>with state as judge, jury, bailiff, etc.
>And not as if it would ever rule against itself,
>or it's pompous preserver The Supreme.

Yes, muzzling the freedom of the press to preserve
Hulk Hogan's deep well of integrity is surely the correct
thing to do, particularly when your true reasons for the 
attack have nothing to do with Mr. Hogan. As I said
before, Thiel is one classy oligarch!

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