On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 10:47:30PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 8:35 PM, Steve Kinney <ad...@pilobilus.net> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 08/13/2018 07:41 PM, Steven Schear wrote:
> >> https://apnews.com/828aefab64d4411bac257a07c1af0ecb/AP-Exclusive:-Google-tracks-your-movements,-like-it-or-not
> >
> > Google tracks my movements?  Not yet, anyway.
> >
> > The cell tower networks do track my movements
> And dump them straight into your government's databases.
> > except when I leave my
> > $25.00 mobile phone behind or pull its battery.  But Google?  Not so
> > much.  Every so often they know when I was "at home" because I
> > voluntarily accessed one of their server farms.  Otherwise not.
> > Google Analytics and the ubiquitous "G+" links on a vast array of
> > websites, do not track my web browsing - one has uBlock Legacy and
> > NoScript to attend to that, respectively blocking all outbound requests
> > to blacklisted domains, and all outbound requests for Javascript except
> > where and as whitelisted.
> >
> > The few occasions when Google does 'see' me on the networks, result from
> > voluntarily revealing my existence when accessing YouTube videos, and
> > occasional contact with a GMail account (via Thunderbird, not a web
> > browser) which I use as a spam trap and offsite backup server for
> > encrypted credentials logs and the like.
> >
> > :o)
> Generally beware web bugs, supercookies, TLS session metadata.

I only browse the web using links, started via torsocks, after 
first chaining through a few VPNs, all done via disposable 1-use 
SOC computer which I buy in bundles of ...  

OK, just kidding. My opsec is poor compared to Steve's :)  

If I really need something secure I'll boot up tails, after telling the
router in front of tails to connect to a VPN (since VPN config within
tails itself does not seem to be supported - unless things have

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