-------- Original message --------
From: Marina Brown <catskillmar...@gmail.com> Date: 10/21/18 11:45 AM 
(GMT-08:00) To: cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org Subject: Re: Minnesota "Human 
Rights": State Demands Christian US Filmmakers  Make Same-Sex Films or Face 
Jail Time - [PEACE] 

On 10/21/18 2:18 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Sunday, October 21, 2018, 1:53:05 AM PDT, Zenaan Harkness
> <z...@freedbms.net> wrote:
>> State Demands Christian US Filmmakers Make Same-Sex Films or
>> Face
> Jail Time
>> State Demands Christian US Filmmakers Make Same-Sex Films or Face
>> Jail Time
>> https://bbs.thegoyimknow.to/t/state-demands-christian-us-filmmakers-m

>> I consider the State's demand curious, because it is not reported
>> whether the films that these producers are supposed to be required
>> to make must cover same-sex marriages in a "positive", as opposed
>> to a "negative" manner.  After all, if an agricultural State wanted
>> to require its film producers to make films about farming, would
>> those producers satisfy the law by making the movie, "Children of
>> the Corn", from a story by Stephen King?
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_the_Corn_(1984_film)
>> Jim Bell

>i can't imagine that requirement would stand any legal challenge if it
indeed exists. 1st amendment protects speech and also tends to protect
from compelled speech.

It makes we wonder why any legislature would pass such an 
obviously-unconstitutional law.  Maybe virtue-signalling is a 

"Virtue signalling, spelled virtue signaling in the United States, is the 
conspicuous expression of moral values.[1] The term was first used in 
signalling theory, to describe any behavior that could be used to signal 
virtue—especially piety among the religious.[2] In recent years, the term has 
become more commonly used as a pejorative by commentators to criticize what 
they regard as empty or superficial support of certain political views, and 
also used within groups to criticize their own members for valuing appearance 
over action.[3][4][end of quote]
One major problem is that simultaneously, that legislature is "signalling" that 
they consider the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution worthless.
                     Jim Bell

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Moral philosophy includes moral ontology, which is the origin of morals; and 
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