On 11/1/18 11:05 AM, Ryan Carboni wrote:
> In the coming months, the deep state will end. They will not be capable
> of an eye wink argument for their misdeeds.

Ignorant, easily led Trump supporters believe he opposes the Deep State.
 Intelligent, well paid Trump supporters understand that his whole job,
and by extension theirs, is to give the Deep State exactly what it wants
at all times.  To understand this one must understand the difference
between what propagandists working the alt-Right crowd mean when they
say "Deep State," and what academics who study political systems mean
when they say "Deep State."  The closer one looks, the smaller the
similarity becomes - until it disappears completely.

In contemporary propaganda, the term Deep State refers to an hereditary
Conspiracy of evil individuals, well known to true believers who take
every Conspiracy Theory with any paranoid and/or racist content as rock
solid fact.  Their version of the Deep State works tirelessly to destroy
everything white working class conservative Christians consider right,
good and holy.  For full details of this version of the Deep State,
enter 'illuminati new world order' in any search engine.

In political science, the term Deep State refers to the army of career
civil servants, appointed officials, and private contractors who conduct
the government's actual business.  Collectively, they have many shared
interests and agendas; and without their advice, consent and
cooperation, elected officials can not get anything done.  This gives
the government as a whole huge inertia, a tendency to "keep doing what
it has always done" regardless of popular demand for change, or
unwelcome policy directives from elected officials.

Below:  Four essays introducing and explaining various aspects of the
real Deep State.  Or in other words, the original Deep State concept our
alt-Right propagandists borrowed their new, improved name for the
Illuminati / New World Order Conspiracy from.


"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington,
and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government
that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the
White House or the Capitol. The former is traditional Washington
partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN
sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections. The
subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which
operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is
formally in power."



"The Deep State is not just the military intelligence community, but
also consists of transnational corporations, big business and Big Oil,
Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and think tanks. Groups and institutions in
this structure form various coalitions that can compete, but tend to
seek agreement on certain fundamental policies that benefit their mutual
positions of power."



“Trump’s not Sir Galahad against the evil Deep State. Of course, they
completely ignore the fact that, one, he’s a product of it – that whole
New York high finance world is one adjunct of the Deep State. Second,
Trump showed it to us with his cabinet picks for the economy. And third,
he is advocating a 10 percent increase in military spending. How could
this guy be opposed to the Deep State?”



"The United States has, in short, moved beyond a mere imperial
presidency to a bifurcated system — a structure of double government —
in which even the President now exercises little substantive control
over the overall direction of U.S. national security policy. Whereas
Britain’s dual institutions evolved towards a concealed republic,
America’s have evolved in the opposite direction, toward greater
centralization, less accountability, and emergent autocracy."

Full text: https://tinyurl.com/thedeepstate


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