> On Dec 18, 2018, at 7:41 PM, jim bell <jdb10...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>   "  2) wouldn't AP be used to lynch people that the mob dislikes? Say, black 
> people in places with a majority of trump voters. "
> Before I had written and published the first part of my AP essay, I 
> anticipated that once such a system started, it might actually be somewhat 
> dangerous to be a "famous" person.  (But I don't recall actually stating this 
> in the essay; I need to go back and remind myself what I wrote!)    At least, 
> it would be far safer to be essentially unknown.     And, other people since 
> then have thought of the same possibility.   Today, you can have an actor who 
> is famous for playing villains.   What  happens in an AP-operating world, 
> where people (including somewhat mentally-unstable people) think of this 
> actor as being a 'bad guy'?
> One partial answer might simply be:  Actors who play 'bad guys' will probably 
> have to be paid more, to compensate them for their risk!   But of course, once

LOL! That your thinking has only gone this deep on this particular issue,
“actors playing bad guys might be killed by the AP mob, so they will get to
demand a higher salary to pay their security retinue”, doesn’t show a whole lot
of deep thinking or intellectual curiosity, Jim :P.  I find your stories of IC
work much more interesting.

The way AP is designed, these “juries” (comprised of who?) are not a
requirement, and there could always be multiple AP markets, some with or without
these “juries”. Or some with wholly state-controlled “juries”.

What if state-actors were to put a hit on you?  And anyone else who has publicly
avowed for or otherwise is known to support AP?  That might serve as a slight
chilling concept on the whole thing.

Or maybe you’d be considered a martyr, as opposed to the victim of his own
murderous system, and the people would finally rise up and, as you say,  the
government would fall :P.

> most or possibly all AP-organizations employ 'juries' to limit the people who 
> are ultimately targeted, it should be difficult to find an AP organization 
> that would accept those contracts...unless that actor truly was a 'bad guy'!!!
>                         Jim Bell

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