On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 02:06:01AM -0300, Punk wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 15:55:10 +1100
> Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> wrote:
> > The looming US Dollar collapse is something the Lame Stream Media and
> > "the elite" want us to believe requires "a state of emergency" to be
> > declared.
> > 
> > This is simply not true - a new currency could immediately replace
> > the old, within say 48 hours maximum.
>       what currency can do that? 

What currency would you accept?

Gold and silver coin?

Some digital coin? Everyone gets a million digits to start?

> > The problem with the simple option is that this simple option implies
> > a wipe out of existing debts, and complete "debt forgiveness" for
> > outstanding debtees - in particular, the USA government i.e.
> > "nominally, the people".
>       that isn't exactly a problem - they will repudiate their debts. That's 
> not a problem(for them) - that's their objective.

The point is, control intends to maintain control, by the mechanisms
in place and the shift soon to come.

Another point is, can we shift in a way which is more useful, or
makes more sense for more folks...

> > And the "problem" with that is that the (((elite bankers))) would
> > lose their debt control over "the people", which of course they wish
> > to perpetuate.
>       what? Not at all. See above. 
>       by the way, is zerohedge a kremlin propaganda outlet? 

Most likely Russian propaganda. For sure :L)

> > The upcoming "state of emergency" is nothing other than a state of
> > emergency for "the elites", and only because they're likely to spend
> > a few months bickering about who gets the bigger slice "of initial
> > debt" in their presumably proposed next round of people enslavement.
> > 
> > In the next short while, "we the people" are very likely to be
> > targetted.
> > 
> > Doesn't sound particularly appealing to most of us... but, any
> > solutions?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   … "The explanation is... media welcomes discussion of emergency
> >   rule, to prepare the forces of the state for coming conflicts with
> >   the working class. Their only disagreement with Trump is over which
> >   faction of the ruling elite... should direct the repression."
> > 
> >   
> > https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-23/inside-fbis-police-state-operation-against-trump
> >   Inside The FBI's 'Police State' Operation Against Trump

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