David Duke on fire:

 Dr. David Duke - The Keynote Address, League of the South 6-24-1



(Can't find it on Jootube.)

  "America is not a proposition nation."

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 04:16:05PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 10:54:00AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > The first reasonable video/docco retort to JP:
> > https://dailystormer.name/watch-jordan-peterson-dismantled-the-deceiver-absolutely-btfo-challenged-to-a-duel/
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXYuqrO8LLo
> The beauty of this mini doco is putting into reasonable perspective
> "White nationalism" or rather "celebration (and protection) of
> European culture and identity" in relation to Jordan Peterson, making
> certain thoughts and concepts easier to name and therefore to talk
> about and defend where needed.
> Peterson's three fundamental failures/ problems are as follows:
>  1) Peterson speaks as though the Holocaust were real - supposedly
>     that "Jewish genocide by Germanyin WWII" did happen.
>     Peterson has as of this month, continually failed to apply
>     due diligence to the alleged facts of the Holocaust/ Holohoax.
>     Peterson apparently accepts without challenge that "prisoners of
>     war" somehow equals "Holocaust" without any supporting facts.
>     As many who have done just a little research discover, there's a
>     literal and almost endless litany of counter- Holocaust actual
>     facts.
>     (Note in WW2 the "allies" had many prisoners of war in prison/
>     "concentration" camps, and many deaths of such prisoners in such
>     'camps' - this happens in war.
>  2) Believing in "muh Holocaust" and having read Solzhenitsyn,
>     Peterson naturally (apparently) decided on a strategy to do
>     everything he could to avoid World War 3 (a worthy goal if truly
>     his intention),
>     that is, it appears he endeavoured to establish himself first as
>     "the leader or at least "spiritual guru" of the alt-right" and
>     then to (intentionally or effectively) undermine the alt-right.
>     To do this Peterson necessarily had to allow himself to live an
>     hypocrisy or two (in comparison to the Holohoax which it appears
>     Peterson presently incorrectly holds to be true).
>     Peterson's primary hypocrisy/ deception is as follows:
>     a) Peterson proclaims to all that both 'left' and 'right' must
>        listen to and engage in conversation with one another if we
>        want any chance to achieve 'peace' (eminently reasonable),
>     whilst simultaneously:
>     b) Peterson evicts the likes of Faith Goldy from "Free Speech"
>        panels, preaching that "the right must not be given any
>        platform for public communication".
>  3) Peterson is a ragin hypocrite - he next accuses White
>     conservatives of playing Marxist identity and "victim" politics,
>     viciously branding common 'White' conservatives as being
>     "extreme right".
>     Peterson says that those plain conservatives of European descent
>     and heritage who wish to protect our European culture, heritage
>     and identity as a people, are according to him doing nothing but
>     playing the identity politics of the extreme Marxist 'left'.
>     Blacks, Jews and Asians are apparently allowed to celebrate their
>     own differences, preserve their homelands and uphold their
>     religions, whilst we "mere Whites" are (hypocritically in
>     Peterson's world) not permitted such a luxury.
>     Peterson thereby conflates:
>     a) Europeans working together to resist their collective
>        dispossession and cultural destruction and extermination,
>     as being no different to:
>     b) far left Marxist identity politics.
>     Though untrue, this has proven an effective ad-hominem attack
>     against "White people".
>     Peterson repeatedly names racial pride or ethnic pride as
>     "pathological", whilst hypocritically supporting other natural
>     biological distinctions such as "men" vis a vis "women";
>     thus Peterson conflates hubristic pride with natural and
>     dignified pride (respect/ awe/ humility/ etc) arising
>     from one's cultural history, achievements and present reality -
>     the pride of ownership which encompasses a deep sense of
>     responsibility, custodianship, appreciation and gratitude -
>     precisely the attributes needed to preserve the good from our
>     collective past!
> So yes, finally "JP" has been deconstructed! "And it's about bloody
> time, too" to coin a phrase :)
> Here's how to explain this in three short sentences to NPC normie
> sheeple:
>    Jews have a right to exist, and really ought to have a homeland
>    where they can preserve their culture and their people as they so
>    wish, at the very least to provide for the possibility to minimise
>    their predation upon the rest of us (usury and otherwise).
>    Africans have a right to exist and to preserve their culture and
>    homelands.
>    Europeans have a right to exist and to preserve their culture and
>    homelands.
> As Rayzer said on this list a while back "fascists deny our [Jewish]
> right to exist", which is true in a sense yet entirely misleading,
> since this turn of phrase essentially hides that White people ALSO
> have a right to exist.
> It is not us who would deny a right to exist to others - any one
> who denies the right to an entire group to exist is simply being
> obnoxious.
> Fundamentally, Peterson ad-homs "European people wanting to cooperate
> together to prevent their nations from certain destruction", by
> naming us with the pithy, shallow and condescending term "radical
> right".
>  “My what a pithy, shallow and condescending conflation you have
>   there Mr Peterson!”
> It may ultimately be that Peterson's strategy has in fact minimized
> the intensity of any possible World War 3 - since as he correctly
> points out Whites do in fact have an (on average) out siƶed
> intelligence and when we get pissed off and start to organize, or
> play any game on the table such as cultural Marxism, we play to
> firetrucking win, and that standard deviation of IQ gives one
> phenomenal advantage in winning;
> point being, a rapid political shift to the conservative right in
> reaction to the obscene cultural Marxism sweeping our Western lands
> i(and in the face of the Holohoax lie) may well have lead to an anger
> fuelled and very final "final solution";
> Notwithstanding, we have a right to shed JP's delusions and get on
> with making Western lands great again.
> NOTE: "Europeans" were not immigrants to the USA and Australia, but
> were in fact:
>  - invaders,
>  - and (significantly) pioneers.
> We replaced what we denigrate as the pre-existing "primitive"
> cultures, and we built nations which we term 'civilization'.
> Almighty God could never sanction the genocide of the peoples that
> our ancestors largely wiped out, except from the absolute position of
> "free will, go forth and learn" - is our history a reason to destroy
> who we now be, what "we" have collectively created?  For some the
> answer is yes but for me, absolutely not!
> Today's (2019) "refugees" and "immigrants" to the West are coming for
> the wealth and abundance which is here and which our ancestors built
> - these refugees/ immigrants/ invaders are not pioneers as we were
> and many or most go straight onto public welfare.
> "Karma's a bitch" as they say, and the collective guilt complex being
> dumped on today's Gritty crackers is a successful abomination being
> milked for all the White cultural destruction that can be achieved by
> (((those currently in power in the West))).
> The proper "right thinking, right action" way to resolution of our
> dastardly past is not to destroy ourselves, but to assist in the
> creation of abundance for all tribes and to preserve the unique
> cultural identity of all tribes, INCLUDING the White European
> "tribes".
> It is so easy to destroy that which took centuries or indeed millenia
> to create.
> It's OK to be White.
> We have a right to exist.
> We have a right to preserve and to celebrate our European culture,
> heritage and identity.
>   Police probe Auschwitz far-right protest calling to ‘free Poland’
>   from Jews
>   https://www.rt.com/news/450000-far-right-protest-poland-auschwitz/

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