> https://www.wired.com/story/inside-the-high-stakes-race-to-make-quantum-computers-work

Whether or not Quantum, Fusion, etc are a sure thing,
the potential for permanent asymmetric leverage waged
and banked during their onset, before any balanced ubiquity
sets in if ever, is something to consider.
Perhaps two recent examples of similar import were
the Internet and the Bomb, both for which most would
say there were effectively no holds barred, consideration
or fucks given... as with most other advances in history.
Keep in mind DNA has not yet been mastered
yet the race there is beginning too, including altering
us in vivo ie: cures, aging, repairs, memory, cognition.
Curious that "Playing God" has tried to stop all in history,
yet been soundly defeated by Humanity at each step.
Go go go...

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