
  Q1. What % of the air is CO2?

  … CO2 is less than a mere four 100ths of 1%! As a decimal it is
  0.038%.  As a fraction it is 1/27 th of 1%.  (Measurements for CO2
  vary from one source to another from 0.036% - 0.039% due to the
  difficulty in measuring such a small quantity and due to changes in
  wind direction e.g. whether the air flow is from an industrialized
  region or a volcanic emission etc)
  Nitrogen is just over 78%, Oxygen is just under 21% and Argon is
  almost 1%.
  CO2 is a minute trace gas at 0.038%.

  … the vast bulk of the population have very little knowledge of
  science so they find it impossible to make judgements about even
  basic scientific issues let alone ones as complex as climate.
  This makes it easy for those with agendas to deceive us by using
  emotive statements rather than facts. For a detailed breakup of the
  atmosphere go to:

  Q3. What % of CO2 do humans produce?

  … Nature produces nearly all of it. Humans produce only 3%.
  As a decimal it is a miniscule 0.001% of the air.
  All of mankind produces only one molecule of CO2 in around every
  90,000 air molecules!

  Q4. What % of man-made CO2 does Australia produce?

  1% of the 0.001% of man-made CO2. As a decimal it is an
  insignificant 0.00001% of the air. That’s one, one-hundredth
  thousandth of the air. That is what all the fuss is about!
  That’s one CO2 molecule from Australia in every 9,000,000 molecules
  of air.

  Q5. Is CO2 is a pollutant?

  … CO2 is a harmless, trace gas. It is as necessary for life - just
  as oxygen and nitrogen are. It is a natural gas that is clear,
  tasteless and odourless. It is in no way a pollutant.

  Calling CO2 a ‘pollutant’ leads many to wrongly think of it as
  black, grey or white smoke. Because the media deceitfully show
  white or grey ‘smoke’ coming out of power station cooling towers,
  most think this is CO2. It is not: it’s just steam (water vapour)
  condensing in the air. CO2 is invisible: just breathe out and see.
  Look at it bubbling out of your soft drinks, beer or sparkling
  wine. No one considers that a pollutant - because it’s not. CO2 in
  its frozen state is commonly known as dry ice. It is used in
  camping eskys, in medical treatments and science experiments. No
  one considers that a pollutant either. CO2 is emitted from all
  plants. This ‘emission’ is not considered a pollutant even though
  this alone is 33 times more than man produces! Huge quantities of
  CO2 are dissolved naturally in the ocean and released from the warm
  surface. This is not considered a pollutant either.

  Q6. Have you seen any evidence that CO2 causes a greenhouse

  Respondent’s Answers: Most did not know of any definite proof. Some
  said they thought the melting of the Arctic and glaciers was
  possibly proof.

  The Correct Answer: There is no proof at all. The Intergovernmental
  Panel for Climate Change (the IPCC) has never produced any proof.
  There are, however the following proofs that it can’t cause a
  greenhouse effect.

  • It is true that CO2 can absorb heat a little faster than nitrogen
    and oxygen but it becomes no hotter because it cannot absorb
    anymore heat than there is available to the other gases. This is
    against the laws of thermodynamics. All gases share their heat
    with the other gases.  Gas molecules fly around and are
    constantly colliding with other gas molecules so they immediately
    lose any excess heat to other molecules during these collisions.
    That’s why the air is all one temperature in any limited volume.

  • Even if CO2 levels were many times higher, radiative heating
    physics shows that it would make virtually no difference to
    temperature because it has a very limited heating ability. With
    CO2, the more there is, the less it heats because it quickly
    becomes saturated. For a detailed explanation go to:

  The following facts show that even high levels of CO2 can make
  almost no impact on heating the atmosphere.

  1. Glasshouses with high levels of CO2 - hundreds of times higher
     than in the air to make plants grow faster – heat up during the
     day to the same temperature as glasshouses with air in them.
     This is also true for bottles of pure CO2 compared to ones with

  2. The planets Venus and Mars have atmospheres that are almost
     entirely CO2 (97%) yet they have no ‘runaway’ greenhouse heating
     effect. Their temperatures are stable.

  3. The geological record over hundreds of millions of years has
     shown that CO2 has had no affect whatsoever on climate. At
     times, CO2 was hundreds of times higher, yet there were ice

  4. In recent times when Earth was considerably warmer during the
     Roman Warming and the Medieval Warming, the higher temperatures
     then were totally natural because there was no industrialization
     back then.

  • Water vapour is 4% of the air and that‘s 100 times as much as
    CO2. Water vapour absorbs 33 times as much heat as CO2 making
    CO2’s contribution insignificant. But like CO2, water vapour also
    gives this heat away to air molecules by contact (conduction) and
    radiation, thereby making the surrounding air the same

  • The Earth’s atmosphere is very thin so its heat is continually
    being lost to the absolute coldness of outer space (-270 C). As
    there is no ‘ceiling’ to the atmosphere, surface heat cannot be
    retained. The Sun renews warmth every day.

  Over the last few years Earth has had much colder winters due to
  very few magnetic storms on the Sun.  These four increasingly
  colder winters have been particularly noticeable in the northern
  hemisphere where most of the land is. Because of this, the Arctic
  has re-frozen and glaciers that were receding are now surging due
  to the heavy snow falls. The Arctic showed some melting around its
  edges from the mid 90s to the mid 2000s due to the very high level
  of solar storm activity at that time.  But as the Sun is now
  entering probably 2-4 decades of low solar activity, this is
  expected to cause global cooling.

  … Despite more than a decade of continual doomsday predictions of
  increasing temperatures and never-ending drought globally,
  the opposite has happened. There have been lower temperatures
  globally with greatly increased rain and snows over much of
  the planet since 2006. This has caused floods across most of
  Australia and most other counties, as seen on the TV news. This
  ended the global 10 year drought conditions from the mid 90s to the
  mid 2000s. There has been no drop in CO2 to cause this:
  in fact, CO2 has risen. There is no correlation between CO2 levels
  and climate. The reason CO2 levels have gone up a little is
  most likely due to the surface of the oceans warming very slightly
  during the later half of the century and therefore releasing a
  little CO2. (The oceans are currently cooling very slightly.)
  Mankind’s contribution to CO2 is so small it’s not measurable.


----- Forwarded message from Gil May <gilma...@gmail.com> -----

From: Gil May <gilma...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019 16:46:03 +1000
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Carbon Dioxide

: Carbon Dioxide

If you know of any poor little kiddies who have been brainwashed by the
teacher's union before they took a Friday off to march, get them to read
the attached and answer the quiz.


Ask them would they have marched on a Saturday.

Ask them how far from the Barrier Reef is the new mining area in Queensland.

Now have them answer the quiz … you may wish to try yourself.

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