[partial quote follows]

Neither Funny Nor Wise

Let me briefly dwell upon why the idea of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder 
prosecuting Julian Assange of Wikileaks is a seriously flawed piece of fiction.

First, a couple of short facts out of the way.
   - Julian Assange is a citizen of Australia.
   - Wikileaks operates from Iceland.
   - No one has accused Wikileaks itself of stealing the information.
   - No one has explained how this is a crime prosecutable on foreign soil.
   - No one has explained adequately how this falls under U.S. jurisdiction.

The Espionage Act for Dummies

The idea behind a prosecution is that the Espionage Act supposedly allows the 
U.S. government to prosecute people who, to use one example from The Washington 

“That language is not only the right thing to do policy-wise but puts the 
government in a position to prosecute him,” Smith said. Under the Espionage 
Act, anyone who has “unauthorized possession to information relating to the 
national defense” and has reason to believe it could harm the United States may 
be prosecuted if he publishes it or “willfully” retains it when the government 
has demanded its return, Smith said.

This all makes decent legal sense if applied to someone under the natural 
jurisdiction of the United States, like a citizen or a resident, or a foreign 
national on U.S. soil spilling secrets. However, none are the case here.

Thus, first, we have to get into the idea of extraterritorial criminal law, the 
idea that if evil is spawned beyond the U.S.’ borders, but that the effects 
occur within the U.S., that the crime is prosecutable and punishable within the 
U.S., provided, of course, the U.S. physically gets its hands on the person it 
deems responsible. (Example: Former Panama President Manuel Noriega.)

Second, there’s a little problem with this, namely, proving your case in court. 
The government’s extraterritorial powers (which were originally intended mainly 
to punish things like piracy, viewed uncontroversially as a crime against 
humanity for many centuries until the modern Somali pirate crisis broke that 
consensus) are still limited by the Constitution, namely, the right to due 
process. So, the government has to prove that harm was done to U.S. national 
security, and that would surely require the spilling of more secrets to prove 
that existing secrets harmed the nation.

Third, while the law itself has been upheld under the U.S. constitution, that 
does not mean that the First Amendment, guaranteeing freedom of speech, went 
away. This creates major complications.

It’s easy to prosecute according to the Espionage Act where a) the information 
is conveyed to a foreign power, not the public, and b) the information is a 
nature that is clearly related to military secrets and does obvious, 
self-evident harm to national security. (Take Jonathan Pollard’s efforts to get 
U.S. Navy communication decryption info to Israel, for which Israeli 
politicians are still trying to get him pardoned, without success.)
Conveying this information to China would make it clearly espionage. Conveying 
this information to the American Public muddles the issue considerably.
[end of partial quote]
                Jim Bell

    On Sunday, May 5, 2019, 10:22:02 AM PDT, jim bell <> 
  This essay, found by doing a google search for ' "assange"  "extradition" 
"extraterritoriality" '

            (From 2012)
[partial quote follows]
"In a speech at Princeton University, Justice Michael Kirby discussed judicial 
reluctance to enforce assertions of extraterritorial jurisdiction[1] and in so 
doing, observed that: ‘the natural question is asked: Why my court? Why not 
theirs?’[2]The question points to the crossroads at which international law and 
domestic law meet: extraterritoriality. Assertions of extraterritorial 
jurisdiction are becoming increasingly frequent in the 21st century. Many 
states claim authority to project law beyond their own territorial borders[3] 
and, as Alejandro Chehtman observes: ‘extraterritoriality is deeply entrenched 
in the modern practice of legal punishment’.[4] The extent to which states can 
assert extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction is a pivotal issue, which sits at 
the ‘very heart of public international law’.[5]"
End of partial quote
Note:  I haven't attempted to send a copy of the material I wrote, below, to 
Julian Assange or any attorney representing him.  If any of you are in closer 
contact than I, I request that this material be sent to them. 
                        Jim Bell

    On Monday, April 29, 2019, 5:30:53 PM PDT, jim bell <> 
15(B) to intentionally access a computer, without authorization and exceeding 
authorizedaccess, to obtain information from a department and agency of the 
United States infurtherance of a criminal act in violation of the laws of the 
United States, that is, aviolation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 
641, 793(c), and 793(e).(In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 
371, 1030(a)(l), 1030(a)(2),1030(c)(2)(B)(ii).) 

[end of partial quote]
There is a principle of American law, upheld by the Supreme Court, that a 
Federal law is only supposed to be considered of "extraterritorial" application 
(applies outside the boundaries of United States territory) if the Congress 
specifically intended that application, and was signified by including such 
language within the law 
"In Morrison v. National Australia Bank, 2010, the Supreme Court held that in 
interpreting a statute, the "presumption against extraterritoriality" is 
absolute unless the text of the statute explicitly says otherwise."

>From that:
"The Supreme Court threw out the lawsuit after invoking the presumption against 
extraterritoriality. That canon of statutory interpretation instructs judges to 
assume “that legislation of Congress, unless a contrary intent appears, is 
meant to apply only within the territorial jurisdiction of the United 
States.”[8] In applying the presumption in RJR Nabisco, however, a majority of 
four Justices[9] rejected multiple indications that Congress intended RICO’s 
private right of action to extend abroad[10] while raising the bar on what 
Congress must do to make its extraterritorial expectations clear.[11]"          
   [end of quote]

Understanding the presumption against extraterritoriality:

Very interesting:
>From that:"THE RULE OF DUAL CRIMINALITY: Even if extradition is sought only 
>under the computer intrusion indictment, it will still need to meet the test 
>of dual criminality, found in Article 2, which provides that "An offense shall 
>be an extraditable offense if the conduct on which the offense is based is 
>punishable under the laws in both States." Although computer hacking is no 
>doubt also a crime in the U.K., there is a further wrinkle of territoriality, 
>because Assange's alleged offense was committed outside the United States. 
>Another section of Article 2 provides:If the offense has been committed 
>outside the territory of the Requesting State, extradition shall be granted in 
>accordance with the provisions of the Treaty if the laws in the Requested 
>State provide for the punishment of such conduct committed outside its 
>territory in similar circumstances. If the laws in the Requested State do not 
>provide for the punishment of such conduct committed outside of its territory 
>in similar circumstances, the executive authority of the Requested State, in 
>its discretion, may grant extradition provided that all other requirements of 
>this Treaty are met."
Unlike the U.S., however, Britain apparently takes a strict view of territorial 
jurisdiction. According to The New York Times, Britain has already denied a 
U.S. extradition request for computer intrusion, on the grounds that the 
offense was committed on British soil and would therefore have to be tried in 
the U.K.
[end of quote]

18 U.S.C. 641 does not appear to explicitly have an extraterritoriality 

18 U.S.C. 793(c), nor the whole 793, does not appear to explicitly have an  
extraterritoriality reference.

18 U.S.C. 371    does not appear to explicitly have an extraterritoriality 

 18 U.S.C. 1030  does not appear to explicitly have an extraterritoriality 

                    Jim Bell


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