On 5/16/19 6:18 PM, jim bell wrote:
> Air Force has deployed missiles that could fry electronics of Iran 
> https://mol.im/a/7037549 via http://dailym.ai/android

The article as a whole reads like a "defense" contractor's press
release:  Bombastic, overblown, factually inaccurate (i.e. pretends real
hard that facilities can not be hardened against super-duper microwave
beams), and even includes this barb against anyone who would dare
deprive the contractor of Yuge cash payouts:

> Because of sequestration budget cuts, the CHAMP missiles did not become 
> operational under the Obama administration.

Here's a cheap laugh:

> The missile is equipped with an electromagnetic pulse cannon. This uses a 
> super-powerful microwave oven to generate a concentrated beam of energy.

And right in the middle of the article, apropos of nothing, this
non-sequitur appears:

> One of those laboratories, Sandia National Laboratories, has been developing 
> robots the size of insects that could assassinate North Korean leader Kim 
> Jong-un with deadly toxins. 
> These robotic weapons using nanotechnology employed in surgical operations in 
> hospitals are being developed secretly with funding by the Defense Advanced 
> Research Projects Agency. 

Far be it from me to cry "old news!", but I read all about that project,
sitting in the Central Kitsap Jr. High library in 1973:


What that has to do with using drone-mounted microwave ovens to destroy
all the electronics in shielded bunkers, I have no clue.


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