An open request to the Queen of England and Great Britain:

  If you, our Queen of England and Great Britain and its dominions,
  have any power left within your authority as Queen, please do
  exercise such power as is required to right this great injustice
  summarized below, this blight of such clear and self evident
  conflicts of interest and of injustice under the auspices of your
  authority, exercised against Julian Assange.

  Those who seek the upholding of justice and righteousness in this,
  our shared world

… This statement by [Judge Emma Arbuthnot] captures the
Alice-in-Wonderland quality of the judicial persecution of Assange.
She dismisses as unreasonable Assange’s fears that if he voluntarily
left the Ecuadorian Embassy he would be arrested by British police
and extradited to the United States because he did not appear in
court to express them. And yet, [Judge Emma Arbuthnot] is now
presiding over [Julian Assange's] extradition trial. …

The Coming Show Trial Of Julian Assange

  Authored by Chris Hedges via Truthdig,

  The judge, Emma Arbuthnot, cut him off, saying “this is not the
  time to go into this.”

  Commenting in 2018 when Assange’s lawyers requested that the
  warrant for his arrest be dropped, Arbuthnot said, “I accept that
  Mr. Assange had expressed fears of being returned to the United
  States from a very early stage in the Swedish extradition
  proceedings but, absent any evidence from Mr. Assange on oath, I do
  not find that Mr. Assange’s fears were reasonable,”

  This statement by the judge captures the Alice-in-Wonderland
  quality of the judicial persecution of Assange. She dismisses as
  unreasonable Assange’s fears that if he voluntarily left the
  Ecuadorian Embassy he would be arrested by British police and
  extradited to the United States because he did not appear in court
  to express them. And yet, she is now presiding over his extradition

  This circular logic is not the only disturbing aspect of Judge
  Arbuthnot’s overseeing of the Assange case. She is married to James
  Arbuthnot, who sits in the House of Lords, is a British
  Conservative Party politician, was the minister of state at the
  Ministry of Defense and for nine years was the chairman of the
  Defense Select Committee in the House of Commons, a committee that
  oversees the operation of the Ministry of Defense and the armed
  forces. Arbuthnot, who was reprimanded while a member of Parliament
  for diverting public funds to maintain his two homes, is a director
  at SC Strategy, established by John Scarlett, the former head of
  the British foreign intelligence service MI6. The politician also
  is on the advisory board of Thales UK, a huge arms manufacturer
  whose corrupt business practices, which included massive bribes to
  heads of state in exchange for arms contracts, were exposed when
  some of its internal documents were published by WikiLeaks.

  The judge “has a strong conflict of interest,” Melzer said from
  Vienna when I interviewed him by video link for my television show,
  “On Contact.” “Her husband had been exposed by WikiLeaks.”

  Assange’s lawyers have asked the judge to recuse herself. She has

On Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 04:54:58PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>   Extradition order to send Assange to US poses existential threat
>   to all truth seekers – Galloway
>     Julian Assange’s extradition to the US would be a deathblow for
>     all truth seekers, George Galloway told RT, warning that anyone
>     who fails to support Assange will one day share the same fate as
>     the persecuted Wikileaks co-founder.
>     Britain’s Home Secretary Sajid Javid revealed on Thursday that
>     he had signed a request for the extradition of Assange to the
>     US, where he is accused of violating the Espionage Act. The
>     order will go before the UK courts on Friday.
>     Galloway, a former MP who has campaigned tirelessly for
>     Assange’s freedom, quipped that the “dark” episode shows that
>     Theresa May’s “zombie” government was “not content with all the
>     other disasters for which it’s responsible.”
>     He insisted that Assange’s supporters would “never give up” the
>     fight to stop his extradition to the US and secure his safe
>     release from UK custody.
>     Failing to support Assange now will have disastrous consequences
>     for journalism and all who profess to hold progressive values,
>     Galloway warned. He expressed particular discontent with those
>     who would have ordinarily protested Assange’s treatment at the
>     hands of the UK authorities, but remained silent because the
>     Wikileaks co-founder was accused of sexual misconduct – what
>     Galloway decried as a politically-motivated smear.
>       The liberals and the progressives, as they describe
>       themselves, they will one day be a victim of this tyranny
>       themselves, that is unless they eventually give up any
>       pretense of actually being liberals and actually being
>       progressives.
>     Asked about what would happen if Assange is ultimately
>     extradited, Galloway said that the consequences for allowing such
>     an injustice would be devastating.
>     “Every truth seeker will go down if Julian goes down.”
>     Assange faces a litany of charges in the US, including one count
>     of conspiring with Chelsea Manning, the former intelligence
>     analyst and whistleblower, to gain access to the US Pentagon
>     network. The Australian journalist is currently serving a 50-week
>     prison sentence in the UK for jumping bail.
>   Journalists silent on Assange’s plight are complicit in his
>   torture and imprisonment
> On Sat, Jul 09, 2016 at 11:38:14AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > The wheels of "democracy" when it works, when someone with heart,
> > patience, tenacity and a strong sense of justice (a mighty lot to ask,
> > so we can be very grateful for this man of principal) such as George
> > Galloway, is an event worth witnessing, given how rare such events are.
> > 
> > George Galloway you have been vindicated. Thank you for speaking so
> > clearly.
> > 
> > "Mr Blair: This Is For Iraq (Video)"
> >
> > 
> > (Youtube link also here:
> >
> > )

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