Let me know when I2P actually works.

The android app is fucking useless. I wait 10 minutes. Oh LOOK! It FINALLY 
found a tunnel! Open Lightning Browser and check the I2P proxy box... Nothing. 
Check everything. Nothing. Wait 5 more minutes. Nothing. Check Lightning Proxy 
box for Orbot. Works instantly.

I haven't found a version of I2P that works since WinXP. I assume the project 
is run by complete amateurs or abandoned with someone tending the page (a page 
that looks like it was created in 2001 on a geocities 'whitepage') to make it 
LOOK LIKE the project is still in progress. Garbage. Literal garbage.

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On October 22, 2019 8:18:45 PM PDT, jim bell <jdb10...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>Since these people seem to be advertising their wares, I believe
>somebody should get in touch with them and inform them of our desire to
>implement an anonymization network.   They might will have something
>useful to say.    https://geti2p.net/en/
>However, on an attempt, I cannot seem to register for their forums.  Is
>the system down?Could someone else try to access this system.
>                     Jim Bell

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