>From the "know thine enemies" dept comes a handsome reporter tweeting
some basic facts to the world, this one that we all well know about
Europeans and our DNA:

  What Did Daily Wire Writer and Ben Shapiro Employee
  Josh Hammer Mean by This?

    Josh Hammer, a Daily Wire editor at large, said on Tuesday that
    “Jew hatred is in the DNA of Europeans.”

    He deleted the tweet without explanation, but it’s been archived.

      Remember to always take it with a grain of salt when Ben
      Shapiro or one of his goons calls anything anti-Semitic. They
      believe that all Whites are “inherently anti-Semitic.”
      — Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) November 13, 2019

    That’s certainly one way to look at race – certain races are
    genetically hardwired for a hatred that is defined as evil,
    meaning that this race is genetically evil.

    I’m not really seeing that Jew hatred is inherent in European

    I am seeing that Christian hatred is inherent in Jewish DNA. I’m
    also seeing that criminal behavior, perverse sexuality, financial
    scams, lying and a desire to dominate non-Jewish societies is
    also inherent in Jewish DNA.

    But I’m certainly willing to have an open discussion with Daily
    Wire editor and Ben Shapiro employee Josh Hammer about what
    behaviors may or may not be hardwired into the DNA of both our
    races. And I’m not triggered if Josh thinks I’m genetically
    predisposed to Jew hatred, and hope that he will not be triggered
    by my beliefs that Jews are genetically predisposed to these
    behaviors I’ve listed.

    The thing is: last week I listened to a speech where he said that
    race is “nothing but melanin content in the skin,” and made the
    outrageous claim that anyone who disagrees with that statement is
    stupid and evil.


    “Race does not have ideals, it’s just a melanin level,” Shapiro
    declared. “It’s just a skin color or a place of origin. If you
    think it does, you’re absolutely indistinguishable, you are
    identical to the identity politics left, to the intersectional

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