-------- Original Message --------
On Dec 12, 2019, 4:52 PM, Razer wrote:

> jam...@echeque.com wrote:
>> On 2019-11-09 12:11, Razer wrote:
>>> "Nobody should have a billion dollars, and those who do are something
>>> other than fully human."
>> Without billionaires, we don't get the kind of technology that needs a
>> billion dollars.
>> Some people, quite a lot of people, get rich by stealing it, for
>> example Biden, Obama, and the Clintons.  But most rich people get rich
>> by creating wealth, or inherited it from parents that created wealth.
> You forgot the pirates of Silicon Valley in your list, and every single
> startup that ripped off PARC and Netscape. There's no reason technology
> should cost billions of dollars except for the desire of, not the
> creators... They fled as their 'hobby-with-bennies' was being
> hijacked... the 'investors' and their satraps that moved in to infest
> the industry, to be billionaires. They don't care about computers. They
> care about the money. Similarly not one single stupid motherfucking
> engineer at Seagate I ever worked with gave one fuck about how a disc
> drive worked. Didn't have a full picture of how it all happened.
> The lack of creativity in any sense but creatively making money showed
> in 'double-letter' blueprints, and the unceremonious canning of any
> 415-D spec they couldn't make.
> Rr
> Ps. Google could drop their entire internet operation tomorrow and their
> execs would do just fine dealing all that SF Bay real estate they own.
> Who knows? Maybe they will?

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