X-Sender: tc...@mail.got.net
Message-Id: <a05010401b6829912c4bc@[]>
In-Reply-To: <200101082217.raa29...@johnson.mail.mindspring.net>
References: <200101082217.raa29...@johnson.mail.mindspring.net>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 14:59:33 -0800
To: John Young <j...@pipeline.com>, cypherpu...@cyberpass.net
From: Tim May <tc...@got.net>
Subject: Re: Bell Case Subpoena
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

At 5:09 PM -0500 1/8/01, John Young wrote:
>Today at 4:30 PM two Treasury agents, Tom Jack and Matthew
>Mc Whirr, served me a Subpoena to Testify Before Grand Jury,
>in US District Court of Western Washington, Seattle, WA, on
>January 25, 2001, 9:00 AM. Robb London, AUSA, is the
>The subpoena states in bold caps "We request that you do not
>disclose the existence of this subpoena, because such a
>disclosure may make it more difficult to conduct the investigation."
>   Please provide any and all documents, papers, letters, computer
>   disks, photographs, notes, objects, information, or other items
>   in your possession or under your control, including electronically
>   stored or computer records, which:
>     1. Name, mention, describe, discuss, involve or relate to James
>     Dalton Bell, a/k/a Jim Bell, or

By the way, John, thanks for the "heads up." I purged my archives of
Jim Bell e-mail sent directly to me, though I left on my system the
e-mail he copied the list on.

(Yes, I purged the back-ups, too. A good reason not to back up e-mail
to CD-Rs.)

--Tim May
Timothy C. May         tc...@got.net        Corralitos, California
Political: Co-founder Cypherpunks/crypto anarchy/Cyphernomicon
Technical: physics/soft errors/Smalltalk/Squeak/agents/games/Go
Personal: b.1951/UCSB/Intel '74-'86/retired/investor/motorcycles/guns

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