Apparently, you don't have or recently had school-age children. Parents
today consider their kids to have mobiles for emergencies and to keep track
of their whereabouts. I think there will be huge pushback on this.

On Sat, Jan 11, 2020, 9:09 AM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:

> OK, so this is genuine, legitimate anti terror legislation being
> discussed and "genuinely considered" at the USA state level - Vermont
> in particular.
>   "How daft!  Surely they'll never get -that- one through?!#?"
> Not so fast grasshopper.
> After a day of mulling over such stupidity, a lonely neurone finally
> fired and the dawning of "Oh, they're really targetting legislated
> encryption back doors/ front doors, not banning of mobile phones"
> crossed a lonely synapse.
> "Ahr sooo ooo oles!" I hear you cry.
> This new strategy may actually be quite effective folks:
>   - begin with legislation at state level, not federal,
>     thus minimizing the protester base;
>   - have a "genuine" problem:
>       “The Internet and social media, accessed primarily through
>       cell phones, are used to radicalize and recruit terrorists,
>       fascists, and other extremists… Cell phones have often been
>       used by mass shooters of younger ages for research on
>       previous shootings.”
>   - handle the reaction of folks to the moronic version of the
>     legislation ("We ARE banning all mobile phones for all under 21
>     year olds, with up to 1 YEAR jail time for violations!") with
>     your sigh of relief "sane" legislation:
>       "Oh! <laughing> Of COURSE! How silly were we - yes you may keep
>       your mobile phones - we'll just put this one little legislated
>       back door in every comms app, the OS, the baseband OS, the CPU,
>       the SOC, the Ethernet chip, the network stack ... and possibly
>       also in the app store."
>       ("Kidding, kidding - nothing to worry about, we had most of
>        those installed for a few years now anyway, so don't let it
>        bother you none, OK little snowflake?")
>   - target the "maximum likelihood, minimum kickback" state, in this
>     case Vermont:
>       "The bill concludes that since the Vermont government has seen
>       fit to ban under 21 use of cigarettes, alcohol, and firearms,
>       this is the logical next step."
> Soap, legislated comms backdoors/ front doors in all mobile phones,
> starting in the backwater which almost no one ever heard of, Vermont.
> Suck it up buttercup.
>   Absurdity Alert: Vermont Considers Cell Phone Ban For Under-21s,
>   Punishable By Prison
> Seriously, does anyone have any possible solutions to this kind o
> crazy which is on the way?

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