Clearly the best way to defeat a secret society is to unceremoniously
out their secrets.

In 1946, the series delivered a powerful blow against the Ku Klux
Klan's prospects in the northern US. The human rights activist Stetson
Kennedy infiltrated the KKK and other racist/terrorist groups.
Concerned that the organization had links to the government and police
forces, Kennedy decided to use his findings to strike at the Klan in a
different way. He contacted the Superman producers and proposed a
story where the superhero battles the Klan. Looking for new villains,
the producers eagerly agreed. To that end, he provided information—
including secret codewords and details of Klan rituals—to the writers.
The result was a series of episodes, “Clan of the Fiery Cross”, in
which Superman took on the Klan. Kennedy intended to strip away the
Klan's mystique. The trivialization of the Klan's rituals and
codewords had a negative impact on Klan recruiting and membership.

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