> https://www.vox.com/2020/1/14/21063591/modest-proposal-to-save-american-democracy-pack-the-union-harvard-law-review
> https://harvardlawreview.org/2020/01/pack-the-union-a-proposal-to-admit-new-states-for-the-purpose-of-amending-the-constitution-to-ensure-equal-representation/

> An unsigned note, entitled “Pack the Union: A Proposal to Admit New
> States for the Purpose of Amending the Constitution to Ensure Equal
> Representation” and published in the Harvard Law Review, offers an
> entirely constitutional way out of this dilemma: Add new states — a
> lot of new states — then use this bloc of states to rewrite the
> Constitution so that the United States has an election system “where
> every vote counts equally.”

Democracy has never, does not, and never will, work.
Put lipstick on pig... still pig.

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