On 1/16/20 8:55 AM, \0xDynamite wrote:
> Now that you've (we've?) got all of our pent-up aggressions about each
> other out, I'd like to point out that the Plan is already here.  Yes,
> the Plan.
> The Plan.
> m

Plan 9 From Outer Space?

(originally 'Grave Robbers From Outer Space')


Or maybe this plan posted by a friend (with location identification X-ed)?

"A message to the poor, homeless and workingclass on the verge of
houselessness in XXX California, or anywhere else the non-affluent
citizens of the US are being threatened.

I was just talking to Shitty Council member XXX about Rote Flora. A
longstanding movie theater squat in Hamburg Germany that developed a
whole community, a neighborhood, around it. The police came to evict
them a few years ago, but that's NOT what happened. 😎🏴‍☠️

Here's the 'thing'... Your "nonviolence", singing songs, and sign
waving, will NOT stop militarized SWAT teams with armored cars and M-16s
from evicting poor Oakland mothers with children into the streets in the
winter cold
But fighting back does.

Just mentioning that terrorizes the local allegedly 'progressive
liberal' authorities, as can be seen by their response to yours truly
when I suggested something as simple as destroying their
vehicles-of-mass-destruction as a response to the destruction of [a
local houseless] Camp... They want us to think Resistance is, by it's
very nature, Terrorism. How Orwellian... and if 50 people a day sang
that RESISTANCE "song", they MIGHT think it's a movement... Some hippie
folksinger said that in the 60s. If you can't do it you are wasting your
time and effort and WILL lose.

Ps. They're about to tear down a large chunk of XXX to build Urban
Commuter Housing, without any low-income or workforce housing to match.
What ARE you gonna do about it?

🔥 Hint. In Hamburg, the flower is STILL Red"

> On 1/16/20, Razer <g...@riseup.net> wrote:
>> On 1/16/20 5:29 AM, grarpamp wrote:
>>> Stop fucking top posting, HTML sending, and bulk quoting.
>> *Stop obsessively-compulsively posting reams of links shithead.*
>> Rr

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