US Constitution and Amendments are valid only within the US and its territories. Same for other countries' laws in the US. Can be modified by treaty or other mutually agreeable means, of which there are quite a few. Most of those agreements reserve the right to ignore outsider demands and quite a few do so.

Of course Americans believe they can do what they want anywhere, and have the military power to do so. Low-ranking military members die for this, a few angries frag their officers, or like JFK's veteran Marine sniper take a shot. Or like the OKC ex-Army bomber, waste citizens and get offcially murdered for it. Then, there are the Waco and Jim Jones option to mass suicide yourselves.

Assange's supporters (aka shark and journo leeches) seem determined to whack or suicide him if legal and promotional shenanigans don't work.

At 03:53 PM 1/24/2020, you wrote:
"Not even" Australians have legal free speech protection of America's
first amendment, anywhere in the world.

Greenwald as lawyer and journo is hardly objective, as adversarially trained to do.

[Clip balance.]

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