DIS what I's talkin bout muffaduckers, teach dem peasants a muffaduckin lesson 

  Team America - America, F#@k Yeah!

Soap, the completely (((independant))) US army was just mosying around in 
Syria, takin dey oil.

Ahh .. I mean -protecting- the oil.

Hmm, no that's right, according to Donald "I promise to bring the troops home" 
Trump, "we" are literally there literally taking Syrian oil.  Did I mention 

It obviously really frustrating, but 'casionly, as you patrol some tiny goat 
farming town in Syria as you protect, I mean take Syrian oil (it was just 
-there- already), some dum rando farmer gets annoyed and starts shouting "Why 
you in Syria?!!" and of course "we" have to protect ourselves against such 
aggression - we thoroughly taught those pesky rebellious oil thieving goat 
farmers a lesson - one young boy shot to death, though we only managed to 
injure his dad/uncle/friend/whoever the hell he was.

Can't have no sand n.ggers stealing our oil now can we?!#  F#@k no!  Team 
America muffaduckers!!

And just to REALLY send a message to future rebellious oil theives (it's OUR 
oil!) we bombed that village into the stone age - yeehaw muffaduckers:

  US Jet Caught on Video After Allegedly Pounding Syrian Army Positions in 

    A conflict between local residents and US troops early on Wednesday in a 
Syrian village of Khirbet Ammo near the border town of Qamishli saw one child 
killed and one civilian injured. US troops reportedly opened fire after local 
residents attempted to protest the passage of a US convoy which had entered an 
area controlled by Syrian authorities.

    According to the Russian Centre for Syrian Reconciliation, the Russian 
servicemen prevented further escalation and ensured the exit of the US military 
convoy in the direction of a US base in Haseke province.

      A military journalist, meanwhile, published footage alleging a US 
airstrike on Syrian army positions in Qamishli. The video appears to show an 
F-15E jet belonging to the US Air Force flying over the area. The journalist 
claimed that this jet dropped a bomb as a warning to the Syrian army. An 
attack, however, was not captured on video.

    ... There has been no statement issued from the US-led coalition regarding 
the footage. According to Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman Myles Caggins, 
the US-led coalition in Syria opened fire on civilians "in self-defense". 
Caggins said the coalition was investigating the incident.

You just -know- how "Russian servicemen prevented further escalation" - they 
put themselves smack bang at the epicentre of need, and dial in air fire on 
their own position if the opposition (that's "we" unfortunately) don't back 

Just as well this USA presence in Syria ain't never not got no NUTHIN to do 
with Israel - people might be askin questions.

  Peasant children exercisin free speech in France?  Declare Blasphemy.

  Syrian farmer peasants ask troubling question?  The M16 muffas :D  F#@< Yeah!

  For every other kind o evil, there's Google.

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