Hey zig how ya doin. MAGA

-------- Original Message --------
On Feb 22, 2020, 5:53 PM, Zig the N.g wrote:

> An important virtue today is to demonstrate virtuosity by ceaselessly 
> complaining about the lack of instant gratification, because complaints and 
> whining are the only way that a solid national or community foundation is 
> built.
> Some snowflakes, such as Mike Shedlock (is that even a real name? sounds 
> suspicious) of MishTalk, seem to think that rebuilding a national (say, 
> steel) industry the size North America needs, should take no more than a 
> year, two years tops, and a few import tarriffs.
> You see, snowflakes can't handle even the smallest sacrifice, shared 
> responsibility, or long term planning - such concepts are anathema to the 
> snowflake who melts to the cryptonite of even the smallest delay to instant 
> gratification.
> Make American Steel Great Again Backfires In Trump Lawsuit
> https://www.zerohedge.com/political/make-american-steel-great-again-backfires-trump-lawsuit
> https://moneymaven.io/mishtalk/economics/make-american-steel-great-again-backfires-in-trump-lawsuit-IuPIcoWZOUeC7lOOhnHLBw
> ... Trump's Tariffs Backfire Trump had a plan to Make America Steel Great 
> Again.
> ...
> Classic, pathetic snowflakery!
> "Oh gee, in 18 months we didn't get (FAILED!) multi grades bulk steel slab 
> industrial production -competition- started just yet, let's immediately give 
> up on rebuilding USA steel industry!"
> Carry on, Mish, carry on like the snowflake you are..

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