This doesn't sound legal.
Ultimately, we ended up talking to bin Laden's first trainer, Ali
Mohammed, Ali Abdul Saud Mohammed, who is currently in jail. He taught
bin Laden. In one of the first training classes that Ali Mohammed
conducted was Sheikh bin Laden; Ayman al-Zawahiri; Abd al-Rahim
al-Nashiri, who's chief of military operations at the time; Saif
al-Adel, who's still one of the 22 most wanted fugitives, and others.
... What he tells us and what he did would make the hair on the back
of your head stand up. This is the type of stuff, again, that we dealt
with in the usual setting that the bureau found themselves in, in ...
a regular interview, because each one of these defendants, if you
will, had legal representation.

And those lawyers played a very vital role in gaining their subjects'
cooperation with the United States government. Each one of them was
seduced by our legal system that many people poke fun at, thinks
cumbersome. If you could listen to these guys, and they'll tell you --
I'm referring to Al Qaeda members -- "You mean to tell me that the
United States government will give me the legal representation?"
"Correct." "You mean to tell me that if I cooperate with you, that you
will at least possibly protect me against retaliation?" "Yes." "You
mean that you could unite me with my family?" "Yes."

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