I never noticed this thread when it originally went out, and just now
stumbled on it.

Logging one's environment is incredibly helpful for understanding it,
and as living evolutionary beings we are of course in constant
symbiosis with every part.  It's been shown that microwave
transmissions can affect EEG measurements, and the relevent frequency
ranges are completely distinct (if I recall correctly, EEG brain
signals are generally significantly under 1khz, outside the realm of
conventional microcircuitry interference).

With regard to sonic effects, it's notable that to measure them you're
going to need a receiver that responds to sonic frequencies.  This
will mean some very small engineering that needs to be clearly
described for hobbyists to copy and improve.

I also discovered this open source project for creating cheap DIY
automated visual EMF maps which is incredibly inspiring:
also on github at https://github.com/CGrassin/EMI_mapper .

In other news, https://siasky.net is currently temporarily providing
unlimited free hash-indexed storage to everyone, backed by a
blockchain, if you weren't aware, and a git remote backend has been
built on top of it.

On 5/11/19, jim bell <jdb10...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Anyone with an Android smartphone should be able to download an audio
> spectrum analyzer app to detect various sonic events.
> Further, I believe that USB-connected  SDR's (Software-Defined Radios) which
> can implement cheap spectrum analyzers are cheaply available.
> https://www.walmart.com/ip/100KHz-1-7GHz-Full-Band-UV-HF-RTL-SDR-USB-Tuner-Receiver-DIY-Kits-U-V-Antenna/199714416?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101003580&adid=22222222227288811307&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=346828962873&wl4=pla-735633419885&wl5=9061079&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=133212149&wl11=online&wl12=199714416&wl13=&veh=sem&gclid=CjwKCAjwwtTmBRBqEiwA-b6c_w-ZuOpEfxEMZEimG4CIU2EsgC9O5wjNx0OPs5kj_0jI-f1bA3TJQ8hoCwCAQAvD_BwE
> $25.31, in kit form.Although, this specific one is limited to 100Khz-1
> GHz.  Anything reasonably usable to go to at least 3 GHz.
>                    Jim Bell
> BY BOB SALSBERG, Associated Press
> BOSTON (AP) — A U.S. diplomat who said he suffered headaches and memory loss
> under mysterious circumstances while stationed in China pledged Friday to
> donate his brain to head injury researchers.
> Mark Lenzi, 44, is an unusual addition to the several thousand others,
> including many former NFL players who suffered concussions during their
> careers, who previously signed agreements to have their brains studied after
> they die by the CTE Center at Boston University.
> A security engineer for the U.S. State Department, Lenzi was among a number
> of diplomats who were brought home last year from the U.S. Consulate in
> Guangzhou, China, after reporting as-yet-unexplained symptoms.
> The State Department has drawn no link between those diplomats and 26
> workers at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba who were withdrawn in 2017 after
> reporting symptoms, including those consistent with minor traumatic brain
> injury, or concussion.
> "The engineer in me wants to get to the bottom of this type of concussion
> and exactly what happened to me," Lenzi said while signing the pledge in
> Boston with representatives of the Concussion Legacy Foundation, an
> organization that collaborates with the BU researchers by recruiting donors
> and publicizing the dangers associated with head trauma.
> Chris Nowinski, co-founder and chief executive of the foundation, said the
> brain injury community must continue research to find answers for head
> trauma.
> "There are patients out there that need answers from the scientific
> community," he said.
> Lenzi now works at a State Department passport office in his native New
> Hampshire. He said he and his wife began hearing strange noises in their
> apartment in 2017, and later developed symptoms consistent with concussion.
> In an interview with the AP, he said he initially did not associate the
> noises with the symptoms, believing the headaches may have been triggered by
> smog.
> Lenzi has not been identified by U.S. officials as someone suffering from
> injuries similar to those suffered by diplomats in Cuba.
> The State Department said Friday that out of 15 diplomats or family members
> from China who underwent additional medical evaluation in the U.S., 14 were
> found not to have symptoms like those from Cuba and the other case had not
> been determined.
> [end of partial quote]

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