On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 10:32:32PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 04, 2020 at 11:17:37AM +1100, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > Suprised.  From the "crispy bat wing soup" and "crushed dried bird ancient 
> > remedy" empire comes a ban, after 3,500 years, and in a cynical and 
> > superficial nod to China's crumbling image in the West, on eating dogs and 
> > cats.
> > 
> > China's Shenzen literally bans the eating of cats and dogs - is this too 
> > little too late or will China's Kung Flu decimate the world's population 
> > leading to a Georgian guidestones utopia?
> > 
> > 
> >   China's 'Silicon Valley' Bans Consumption Of Cats, Dogs
> >   
> > https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/chinas-silicon-valley-bans-consumption-cats-dogs
> > 
> >     .. The new law will take effect May 1, and was described as an 
> > "extension" of national laws banning the eating of wild animals. The Humane 
> > Society claims 30 million dogs a year are killed across Asia for meat. 
> > However, the consumption of dogs and cats for meat isn't that common in 
> > China, and "most" Chinese say they won't do it, according to the BBC 
> > [propaganda alert].
> > 
> >         .. "This ban also responds to the demand and spirit of human 
> > civilization," they said.
> Z.g, that's kinda funny, albeit it's true.
> But the kick in the guts here is that the Chinese Communist Party has for 
> over a decade been developing a weaponised virus - apparently targetting us!
> As in, China either intentionally or accidentally released this China/Wuhan 
> virus, but they deliberately created it.
> The Chinese deliberately weaponised this (actual) bat virus, to target humans 
> - you, me, and the rest of the humans on this planet.
> Sure, due to this particular release of the China/Wuhan virus, it attacked 
> the residents of Wuhan first - this was probably an accident, and meant to be 
> kept to hit -us- on some future day.
> This China/Wuhan virus does not target just our Western leaders, and or just 
> our soldiers.
> This China/Wuhan virus targets all of us.  Each of us individually.
> This is sickening.
> This really will be the beginning of a Century of Shame for the Chinese 
> people.

Between the propaganda, there are facts.  This is brutal!

[There are many links in original, so just the links on this occasion.]

    Did Xi Jinping Deliberately Sicken The World?
      Ben Lowsen via TheDiplomat.com

      .. inimical to human decency

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